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Kenya is strategically located in East Africa. It borders Tanzania, Uganda, Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and the Indian Ocean.
Kenya’s port of Mombasa is a major gateway into Africa. Kenya is a major investment hub in Africa and is fast becoming the preferred African “home of choice” for multinational companies (MNC) seeking to pitch tent in the continent in the race for the neo-scramble for Africa.
The Kenyan capital of Nairobi currently houses several multinationals such as Google, Pfizer, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Posterscope, Pepsi- Cola, General Electric Company, IBM, Bharti Airtel, Nokia/Siemens, Huawei, Procter & Gamble, and Biersdoff.
Other global heavy weights are also said to be eying Nairobi as their proposed headquarters of their African regional hubs. Kenya’s GDP per capita has increased in recent years and was recently named to have joined the ranks of a middle income country from a low income country.
This upward economic transition has effectively made Kenya one of Africa’s largest economies, economy surpassing countries such as Ghana, Tunisia, and Ethiopia.
According to the World Bank, Kenya’s economy is 25 percent larger than previously thought and Kenya is now the fifth largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa behind only Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, and Sudan following the rebasing of its National Accounts, which include GDP and Gross National Income.Kenya has also been on the path of becoming a commercial oil producer with leading oil exploration companies such as Tullow Oil Plc announcing significant oil discoveries in the Northern part of Kenya…
View the publication below (PDF) as published on Lexis Nexis
Money Laundering, Asset Forfeiture and Compliance in Kenya

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